Jesus prayed to his Father “May they all be one”. (John 17:21)
There has been a much greater open-ness and co-operation between Christians from different churches and denominations in recent years. Now there is a need to rediscover that co-operation, and see how music can continue to help to break dividing walls.
Ecumenical news and an archive of ecumenical events in the Northampton area is featured here on this page.
Prayer & Praise for Northampton was hosted by
Northampton Cathedral on bonfire night! 5th November 2018.
No fireworks, just candles, praise & worship and lots to pray about.
Teresa was the Co-ordinator of Prayer & Praise for Northampton from 2012 to 2018, organising a monthly event in different churches and denominations, from traditional to Pentecostal.
“Unity is a journey, not a destination” More news from 2018.
During recent months,
Prayer and Praise for Northampton has been on a journey to Anglican, Baptist, Orthodox and Pentecostal churches in the town.
The music is usually led by singers and musicians from the host church. Recently we were inspired by the Romanian Orthodox Choir singing a beautiful hymn in their own language and the lively worship songs that followed were led by the Church of God of Prophecy.
We have prayed for various groups of churches working together in the town, for the work of organisations that help the homeless, for Northampton’s County Council and Borough Council, for the Christian Police Association and for Thy Kingdom Come.
The monthly Prayer and Praise for Northampton is an ideal opportunity to visit different churches, to sing and pray alongside other Christians and to pray about local issues.
“They are very special occasions, nothing in my previous experience has brought together Christians from so wide a spectrum of traditions.”
Revd Anne Davis, St Benedict’s Church
A new walk of witness on Good Friday in 2017 from Westone to Weston Favell Shopping Centre was led by people of all ages from local churches.
What’s good about Good Friday?
That was the question behind this unique journey together. Walking through the shopping centre singing Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom, in beautifully improvised harmony, over forty people then gathered at the Community Area outside Tesco, to watch a short drama based on hands, followed by the song How deep the Father’s love, with sign language to bring the words to life more deeply. A Gospel reading and some reflections led to When I survey the wondrous cross, which many people joined in, and finally Here is love, vast as the ocean – gave just a hint of God’s great love for Our Community – on Good Friday.
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Photos: Christiaan De Haes
Prayer & Praise for Northampton Summer 2016
21st January 2015 Northampton Cathedral
A Celebration of Ecumenism in Northampton
Bishop Peter Doyle invited church leaders from across the four counties of the diocese and from Churches Together in England, to Northampton Cathedral to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Vatican Council’s decree on Ecumenism – Unitatis Redintegratio – during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
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Photos: Tony Allen
The congregation that filled the cathedral were delighted to see the diversity of clergy gathered from a variety of traditions, seated in a semicircle around the altar. Greek Ecumenical Patriarch Archbishop Gregorius read the Gospel and the preacher was the Archbishop Bernard Longley of Birmingham.
Read the full News report here
Read the Homily of Archbishop Bernard Longley, 21 January 2015 here
A choir of 50 singers was recruited by the Cathedral’s Director of Music Teresa Brown to lead the congregation in song and end the evening on a joyful note with the Hallelujah Chorus!